The regional stage of the annual competition “Teacher of the Year” has begun on Sakhalin. It is attended by 23 people from 15 municipalities. For the first time among them – teachers from Severo-Kurilsk. Details were told in the regional government.
At the first stage, teachers will have to introduce themselves, conduct open lessons and demonstrate their own methodological training programs. Everyone who passes the second stage will have to spend class hours, leisure activities or work with a professional case, depending on the teacher’s specialization. The competition is attended by primary school teachers, defectologists, psychologists, educators and subject teachers.
The solemn event in honor of the opening of the competition took place in the Stolitsa congress hall. Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Yushchuk addressed the teachers from the stage. He announced that challenging and interesting assignments await teachers in five categories, one of which is new and related to digital technologies. The official wished the jury to be objective and impartial, and the participants – success and fruitful work.
Minister of Education Anastasia Kikteva joined his words.
“Of course, all of you are professionals. But, in addition to knowledge and experience, you will need your personal qualities. Mental sensitivity, flexibility in relation to students, the ability to come to the rescue on time – all this should be in the character of a good teacher, ”Kikteva noted.
The winners will be announced on April 26th.