Former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin was a man “infinitely loyal to the Motherland” and a politician of historic proportions who took responsibility and sought to serve Russia. This was announced on November 3 during the solemn ceremony of raising the state flag of the Russian Federation on the new icebreaker Viktor Chernomyrdin in St. Petersburg by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Largely thanks to his prudence, foresight, and economic prudence in the most difficult period of the 1990s, it was possible to preserve and preserve human resources, the technological potential of industry, the fuel and energy complex, and other industrial branches of industry <...> I personally watched this, watched how he works and learned a lot from him, ”Putin said.
He praised Chernomyrdin as a “workaholic” and a man who was “endlessly devoted to the Motherland.” Putin called Chernomyrdin “a bright and strong man, a true worker and creator” who strove to serve the country and the people.
The head of state called the raising of the national flag on the “largest (diesel) icebreaker”, which was named after Viktor Chernomyrdin, “an important and significant event”.
On Tuesday, November 3, Putin took part in the flag-raising ceremony on the icebreaker Viktor Chernomyrdin. The event took place in St. Petersburg.
“Viktor Chernomyrdin” is one of the largest and most powerful icebreakers in the world. Designed to ensure uninterrupted pilotage and towing of ships in the Gulf of Finland, it can operate in the Arctic and Antarctic.