Nutritionist named a suitable drink for drinking food

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Water at room temperature is the most appropriate drink to drink with food. Andrey Bobrovsky, a nutritionist, associate professor of the medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University, spoke about this on Friday, April 23.

“If we take soup as one of the most dietary and correct dishes, then soup is, by and large, water along with more solid food. That is, you can drink food, ”the specialist told Sputnik.

The nutritionist named tea as another useful drink. However, it must have been natural black, green or herbal without sugar. An excess amount of this drink is contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, noted Bobrovsky.

“Pay attention to sugary sodas. It is a source of sugar, or simple carbohydrates. Liquid simple carbohydrates after meals are not good for digestion in general. The same can be said for juices, ”concluded the doctor.

On April 22, gastroenterologist Nuria Dianova said that low-fat foods can be hazardous to health. According to the specialist, many people mistakenly believe that low-fat foods are “lighter”, because they can be eaten in large quantities, such “lulling of alertness” can be fraught with severe overeating. Dianova advised choosing initially natural ingredients for medium-fat meals with minimal industrial processing, because long-term use of food with additives can be harmful to health.