Named a way to make scrambled eggs more delicious

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Extra virgin olive oil and sea salt can make scrambled eggs even tastier, the British newspaper Daily Star reported on May 1.

It is recommended to add these ingredients to an already cooked dish.

“Good extra virgin olive oil has herbal, zesty notes that complement the flavor and the fat adds richness. Sea salt adds an unexpectedly gentle crunch, ”the newspaper writes.

It is emphasized that if the same is done with ordinary salt and other types of olive oil, the effect will be lost.

In turn, the famous Australian-French chef Manu Feildel said that it is better to cook scrambled eggs over medium heat so that the consistency of the dish is not “rubbery” afterwards.

He also recommends cooking in butter and adding eggs when the butter melts and starts bubbling. When serving, the scrambled eggs can be seasoned with olive oil, sea salt and pepper, the chef added.

On April 10, nutritionist Olga Dekker from the National Society of Nutritionists spoke about the healthiest way to cook eggs. According to her, they cannot be boiled or fried for a long time, because in this case the egg white will be absorbed much worse.