An Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala 402 was found in the waters off the coast of Bali, the crew of which stopped communicating earlier this week. On Saturday, April 24, CNN reports.
A bottom scan determined that the submarine is at a depth of 850 m.
At the same time, it is known that the oxygen supply on the ship ran out on Friday at about 23:00 Moscow time.
Earlier, two Australian warships – the Anzac frigate HMAS Ballart and the HMAS Sirius replenishment vessel – joined the search for the submarine.
Not far from the place where the submarine was before disappearing, an oil slick was found.
According to, diesel fuel spills on the ocean surface suggest that the boat’s fuel tanks may have leaked, which suggests the destruction of both the light and durable hull of the submarine by excessive water pressure.
Indonesian submarine KRI Nanggala 402 stopped communicating on April 21. The ship, carrying 53 people, conducted training torpedo launches. The device disappeared about 60 miles north of Bali.
Russia, USA, France, Germany, India and Turkey offered their help.
According to the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, the KRI Nanggala 402 submarine was built in Germany in 1977 and entered service with the Indonesian Navy in 1981. In 2012, its two-year modernization was completed, which was carried out in South Korea.