In the Kaluga region, an incident occurred with a light aircraft and a motorcade of a high-ranking official. This happened back in early December 2020, but RT has just managed to find out the details of the investigation.
“A light-engine aircraft several times dived onto the cortege of a high-ranking official traveling along the federal highway A108, passing at a dangerously low altitude above the cars. This happened near the Kudinovo airfield in the Kaluga region. A small white aircraft suddenly began to dive at cars, in one of which, there was “a tall person who understands airplanes.” The aviakholigan flew three times over the motorcade at a dangerously low altitude, “the newspaper writes.
Then, representatives of law enforcement agencies were involved in the search for the attacker, but they could not find anyone. According to experts, such incidents pose a serious threat to safety, because it is impossible to predict either the trajectory of the aircraft or the cargo it carries.
The FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rostransnadzor, the State ATM Corporation, and the transport prosecutor’s office joined the investigation of the incident. Preliminary findings indicate that the pilot did not receive permission to fly, therefore it was not possible to identify him.
On the fact of the aviation event, an administrative offense case was initiated.