In Russia, 26% of NGOs declare refusal of persons with disabilities to be referred to ITU in polyclinics

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In Russia, 26% of public associations of people with disabilities told about the messages of wards who were refused a referral for a medical and social examination (MSE) of polyclinics and hospitals. This is evidenced by a study by the All-Russian Union of Patients (VSP), in which 116 all-Russian and regional NGOs, which interact with people with disabilities and patients, took part, which is at the disposal of Izvestia.

ITU gives the status of a disabled person, which gives the right to count on various social benefits, and also grants the right to have an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program (IPRA).

Of those surveyed, a third of public associations of people with disabilities said they regularly receive complaints about ITU issues, while 54% of NGOs reported that complaints arise from time to time.

In addition, it is indicated that citizens who are applying for a disability for the first time had additional costs for passing the examination, which was explained by the need to meet the deadlines in the absence of narrow specialists. In addition, many people with disabilities do not agree with the group and timing of assigning a disability.

It is also noted that the listed categories of complaints have begun to grow in recent years. So, in addition to refusing to refer to the ITU, the number of which has grown by 9% since 2018-2019 (from 17% to 26%), 34% of NGOs said that the wards had to take paid tests (previously there were 26%). Those who did not agree with the terms for which the disability was issued turned out to be 9% more (29%).

According to the co-chairman of the GSP Yuri Zhulev, the center of the problems has shifted from the ITU to the first stage of preparation – to the treatment-and-prophylactic institutions. In addition, the union explained that 2.9 million people undergo medical and social examination annually.

At the end of December last year, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the introduction of an electronic certificate for the purchase of technical rehabilitation aids (TSR), medicines and products by persons with disabilities.

According to the document, people with disabilities and those injured at work will be able to use an electronic social certificate to purchase technical means of rehabilitation. It is also intended to provide certain categories of citizens with the necessary medicines, and children with disabilities – with special medical food products.

On December 11, the Ministry of Labor prepared a draft amendment to the temporary guidelines for establishing primary disability based on medical reports. It is proposed to indicate basic data on the state of health of a citizen in the direction of a medical and social examination. If there are previous medical examinations, a second examination will not be required.