The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has not yet been able to determine the mechanism of thrombosis after vaccination against COVID-19 with adenoviral drugs, which include AstraZeneca and Jonhson & Jonhson. This was announced by the head of the EMA vaccination strategy Marco Cavaleri on Friday, April 23, at a press briefing. The broadcast was conducted on the agency’s website.
According to him, the EMA will carefully screen new vaccines that want to register in the EU.
“We do not yet know the mechanism of thrombosis development after vaccination. Now we are conducting a number of studies that should allow us to establish a mechanism that provokes these effects. The fact that AstraZeneca and Jonhson & Jonhson are adenovirus vaccines could of course make it very important to carefully check vaccines using the same technology to see if they could also pose a risk of similar incidents, ”Cavaleri said.
Earlier, on April 14, the head of Roszdravnadzor Alla Samoilova said that during the entire period of vaccination with the Russian drug against COVID-19 Sputnik V, not a single case of thrombosis was registered.
On April 22, it became known that the World Health Organization (WHO), together with EMA, will inspect the production practice of the Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccine in Russia from May 10.
The EMA began the procedure for the consecutive examination of the registration dossier of Sputnik V in early March. A month earlier, it was reported that the EU regulator completed scientific advice on Sputnik V and gave the developer the opportunity to apply for registration of the drug in the EU, which RDIF did.
The first COVID-19 vaccine in Russia and the world was registered on August 11, 2020. Sputnik V was developed by specialists from the Gamaleya Center.
According to information published in February by the medical journal The Lancet, according to the results of the third phase of clinical trials of this vaccine, its effectiveness was 91.6% after analyzing data from more than 19 thousand volunteers, for severe cases of COVID-19 – 100%.
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