Democratic Senators Call on New York Governor to Resign

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Democrats Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand representing New York State in the US Senate on Friday, March 12, called on Governor Andrew Cuomo to leave his post due to the scandal that erupted. This is stated in a joint statement published by them.

Senators consider the sexual harassment charges against several women as credible. According to them, the governor “lost the trust” of New Yorkers and key politicians and he “should step down.”

On Friday, two more women came forward with allegations of inappropriate behavior against the governor. They are journalist Jessica Bakeman, who covered the Cuomo administration, and an unnamed employee of Cuomo.

Earlier, six women accused Cuomo of inappropriate behavior. We are talking about the former adviser to the governor Lindsay Boylan, ex-press assistant Karen Hinton, policy adviser Ana Liss, as well as another former adviser and two unnamed women.

On March 8, GOP officials in the New York State Legislature said they intend to submit a resolution of impeachment to Gov. Andrew Cuomo over allegations of inappropriate behavior and sexual harassment, and a “loss of confidence.”

On March 1, the New York State Attorney’s Office began investigating Cuomo on charges of sexual harassment.

Cuomo himself, commenting on the accusations made, said that his words in relation to colleagues and subordinates could be mistakenly perceived as unwanted flirting. He also announced that he was not going to leave his post.