Wray was testifying in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Under oath. Meaning that if he didn’t tell the truth about his knowledge in regard to what he knew about the record of fraudulent voting by mail, he would be committing a crime.
None of that stopped the White House from attacking Wray for his assertion.
“With all due respect to Director Wray, he has a hard time finding emails in his own FBI, let alone figuring out whether there’s any kind of voter fraud,” White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Friday morning on CBS. That echoed attacks Trump himself has made against Wray for the way in which the FBI has responded to a probe into the origins of the counterintelligence investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.
Consider, for a minute, what you have to believe in order to side with Trump and Meadows in this back-and-forth:
1) That the FBI director lied, under oath, about voter fraud because, uh, well, I don’t know.
Conspiracy theorists are able to incorporate contradictory facts into their schemata under the aegis of “Well, everyone is in on it!” — and if that’s where you want to stake your claim, well, I can’t stop you. I give you Trump’s own response to questions about voter fraud on Thursday:
“So we have to be very careful with the ballots. The ballots — that’s a whole big scam. You know, they found, I understand, eight ballots in a waste paper basket in some location. And they found — it was reported in one of the newspapers that they found a lot of ballots in a river. They throw them out if they have the name ‘Trump’ on it, I guess. But they had ballots.”
It’s important to note here the difference between occasional mistakes made with a handful (or even more) ballots and the sort of widespread voter fraud that Trump is alleging. The discarding of nine ballots is NOT evidence of much of anything other than that nine ballots somehow got either misplaced or thrown out. It’s certainly not proof of a broad-scale mail-in voting conspiracy aimed to eliminate Trump votes. Anecdotes may be alluring, but they aren’t statistically significant.
That won’t stop Trump. Every incident of a ballot not making it where it should go will be seized on as evidence that he’s right about Democrats trying to steal the election from him.
But the thing I just keep coming back to is this: Why, exactly, would Wray take that risk? Because he hates Trump that much? But if that was true, how did he win Trump’s trust to be appointed to the job in the first place? He’s just that cunning?
There’s no good answer. Wray is a lifetime law enforcement professional who has never shown the least bit of ill will (or any will) toward Trump. He said he had never seen “any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election” because there has never been “any kind of coordinated national voter fraud effort in a major election.”