The ferry “Admiral Nevelskoy” will communicate with Sakhalin residents in social networks. On April 19, he had his own Telegram page and already several posts. Apparently, the ship will speak to the readers in the first person.
“They say that they will meet me on Sakhalin with an orchestra. I have never seen Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, but I already miss them very much, my native islands, “the authors of the channel wrote in a post.
In another post, the authors listed all the important geographical points that the ferry traveled during the trip. At the same time, Admiral Nevelskoy called the Suez Canal long-suffering, and Singapore – banana-lemon.
MK on Sakhalin closely followed how the ferry passed along the route. On February 26, the ship left St. Petersburg and will approach Sakhalin in the next few days. According to, it will be in Korsakov no later than 6 a.m. on April 25.