The Avivir company, which is a Skolkovo resident, together with the Rapid BIO company, registered the first rapid test in Russia to detect antibodies in a patient’s blood after immunization against coronavirus. This was announced on Monday, April 19, at RBC with reference to the press service of the center.
“The test is based on the method of analysis between an antigen and its corresponding antibody. A drop of blood is needed for it to work. The result will be known in 15 minutes, and its reliability will be 96%. First of all, the test reagents are validated for the Sputnik V vaccine, the report says.
According to the co-founder of Rapid Bio, Semyon Pokatsky, the test is useful both before and after vaccination. It can be used to control the formation of a stable immune response. In addition, the test is capable of detecting persistent IgG antibodies that arise after an illness.
You can take the test yourself at home. The test kit includes: an alcohol napkin, a sterile lancet, pipettes for transferring a biosample, the specialist added.
On April 16, it became known that scientists from the Institute of Experimental Medicine are developing a ryazhenka-flavored coronavirus vaccine. According to the director of the IEM, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Dmitriev, it is planned to complete preclinical trials of the drug in the coming year. When creating an “edible” vaccine against coronavirus, a fragment of the synthesized COVID-19 genome is inserted into the genome of lactic acid bacteria, as a result, it begins to produce the coronavirus protein, which provides an immune response in the body.