A pack of four stray dogs that ran around the Skazka kindergarten in Dolinsk on April 30 attacked an eight-year-old girl.
As the mother of the injured schoolgirl, Ekaterina, said, the child walked past the kindergarten from evening classes. The mongrels ran up to her, who first knocked her to the ground, and then began to tear her jacket.
– Fortunately, the jacket is warm on her and did not have time to bite. The daughter screamed and the dogs ran away. She called me hysterically and began to shout that wild dogs attacked her, – said Ekaterina. – At that moment, they pounced on the second time. We live next to each other, I jumped out into the street in what I was and ran in its direction, scattered everyone with stones. I myself did not expect this from myself, in general, I myself am afraid of them.
As the Sakhalin woman added, the girl badly hurt her back when she fell, and was frightened.
The correspondent of MK on Sakhalin transmitted information to the mayor’s office of the district, where in such cases it was advised to contact the current number 8 424 422 09 21. A resident of Dolinsk has so far left an application for catching dogs at the indicated number.
Another case of an attack by stray animals was reported by residents of Poronaysk. The dog attacked the boy and bit his leg. The child received an emotional shock.