In Russia, 5,363 new cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the last 24 hours. This was reported at the headquarters for combating the spread of coronavirus on Thursday, September 10.
The largest number of cases of coronavirus was registered in Moscow – 695, St. Petersburg – 215, Moscow region – 169.
During the day, 5,915 people were completely cured of this virus. 128 deaths were recorded.
Since the beginning of the epidemic, the number of detected cases of this infection in Russia is 1,046,370. Over the entire period, 18,263 deaths were recorded. 862,373 patients recovered.
Earlier, otorhinolaryngologist of the highest category Vladimir Zaitsev warned Russians that infection with coronavirus and flu at the same time can be fatal to humans. According to him, the flu can cause complications in the form of pneumonia, as well as lead to problems with the nasopharynx, bronchi and lungs. Coronavirus in most cases is a bronchopulmonary disease.
If the two viruses combine, cardiovascular diseases can occur, up to multiple organ failure. Zaitsev noted that this is a mortal danger.
The day before, at the Gamaleya Center, they thought about creating a combined flu and coronavirus vaccine. The Moscow Department of Health believes that a month should pass between the flu and coronavirus vaccinations. According to the Ministry of Health of Russia, vaccination of Russians from COVID-19 will begin in November-December.
Up-to-date information on the situation with the coronavirus is available on the websites of stopcoronavirus.rf and access vsem.rf, as well as by the hashtag #WeVotre. Coronavirus hotline: 8-800-2000-112.